Monday 23 February 2009

News? papers

One of the more confusing things about newspapers, is just that. What seems to constitute "News"? We get copies of most daily papers and the difference in the headlines is amazing. For instance most of the "lower brow" tabloids seem to have completely gone overboard the last couple of weeks with the never ending story of "Jade" - a poor girl who became famous for no real reason other than her being a really "thick" candidate on a reality TV programme. Her ups and up until now, perceived downs became the stuff of tabloid legend. Her terminal illness is tragic, and I can see her determination to leave her children in a really sound financial position, even though it means her inevitable downward spiral will no doubt be the meat and drink for the titillation of the masses ! The collapse of the world's economy, failing banks, house repossessions, political scandals, bush fires in Oz etc., all come a long way behind Jade's Wedding, in excruciating detail - who attended, how much it cost, how much the "exclusive" is going to make - much "tub thumping" by the tabloids on how they are helping ?? to raise cash for her family - I really hope they let her die with dignity and not a media frenzy. The aftermath is going to rival the dreadful "schmaltz" following the death of Diana ! Is this news ? or is this a modern version of "bread and circuses" to distract the people from Afghanistan, Iraq, finance etc., I'm not sure, but I know its going to get worse (God save us from 13 yr old fathers and strictly come dancing footballers wives !!)
getting depressed again

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